People with disability in Armenia

People with disabilities in Armenia have observed a diminution of many social and educational barriers in recent years. However, there is a lot to be done to improve accommodations related to a child with specific learning disabilities.The Armenian Fund for Sustainable Development has supported several schools to create specially adapted conditions and offer equal access to education for children with differences. 

We have created a virtual sign language dictionary with the sector’s top-notch specialists and handed over all materials to the Educational Complex for Children with Hearing Impairments

The AF4SD helped the Educational Complex for Children with Behavioral Problems accelerate the transformation process to a Resource Center.

People with physical and mental impairments hit the highest unemployment rate and social exclusion.

We have implemented various projects to facilitate social and economic inclusion for people with disabilities by organizing hundreds of vocational trainings adapted to special needs. 

Embrace your differences and build self-confidence to overcome stigma for a more fulfilling life.

|Our Work| Vulnerable people|Humanitarian Aid|People with Disability|

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